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The relationship between serum HDL-cholesterol, cardiovascular disease and mortality in community-based people with type 2 diabetes: the Fremantle Diabetes Study phase 2



Older general population-based studies found an inverse association between serum HDL-cholesterol and both cardiovascular disease (CVD) events and mortality, but more recent data have suggested a U-shaped relationship. Whether this applies to type 2 diabetes is uncertain. The aim of this study was to assess the prognostic significance of serum HDL-cholesterol concentrations in representative, community-based participants from the Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase II (FDS2).


We followed 1,479 FDS2 participants with confirmed type 2 diabetes (713 females, mean age 65.6 years; 763 males, mean age 65.9 years) from entry (2008–2011) to death/end-2021. Major adverse cardiovascular events (non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI), non-fatal stroke, cardiovascular death; 3-point MACE), and all-cause mortality were ascertained from prospectively collected data and validated administrative databases. Independent associates of 3-point MACE by sex, excluding participants with prior MI/stroke, were assessed using Cox and competing risk models with sex-specific quintiles of HDL-cholesterol added to the most parsimonious models. Predictors of all-cause mortality were identified using Cox proportional hazards modelling.


In females, with baseline serum HDL-cholesterol quintile 2 (1.04–1.22 mmol/L) as reference, both quintiles 1 (< 1.04 mmol/L) and 5 (> 1.59 mmol/L) were significant independent predictors of 3-point MACE (P < 0.027) and all-cause death (P < 0.019) after adjustment for a full range of demographic, clinical and laboratory variables. In males, serum HDL-cholesterol quintile did not add to the most parsimonious model for 3-point MACE, but quintile 1 (< 0.90 mmol/L) was a significant predictor of death (P = 0.026 versus quintile 4 (1.15–1.31 mmol/L) as reference) after adjustment. Competing risk analyses for 3-point MACE showed similar results to the Cox models for both sexes.


There was a significant U-shaped relationship between serum HDL-cholesterol and both 3-point MACE and all-cause death in females with type 2 diabetes after adjustment for confounders. There was no such relationship for 3-point MACE in males but a low HDL-cholesterol was associated with all-cause mortality. These data have sex-specific implications for assessment of serum lipid profiles in the clinical management of type 2 diabetes.


Although older general population epidemiological studies found a simple inverse association between serum HDL-cholesterol concentrations and both cardiovascular disease (CVD) events and mortality [1, 2], a range of data over the last decade have suggested that there is a more complex U-shaped relationship [3,4,5,6,7,8]. Whether this applies in the specific case of type 2 diabetes is uncertain. Although there are quantitative, qualitative and functional changes in HDL-cholesterol associated with diabetes which may be important in determining a distinctive role in cardiovascular pathophysiology [9], available prospective data from studies involving people with diabetes are inconsistent.

The first report of a non-linear association in diabetes came from the Pittsburgh Epidemiology of Diabetes Complications study in which there was a U-shaped association for women, and a linear inverse association for men, with type 1 diabetes and the risk of coronary artery disease events [10]. More recent analyses of large-scale administrative data from people with diabetes of unspecified type from the US [11], Japan [12] and China [13] have demonstrated (i) an increase in CVD events that was restricted to only relatively high serum HDL-cholesterol concentrations after adjustment for confounders [13], (ii) a U-shaped relationship for the composite of myocardial infarction (MI), stroke and all-cause death that was greater for men than women in unadjusted analyses [12], and (iii) a U-shaped relationship for all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in adjusted analyses [11]. Differences in sample characteristics, use of sex-specific analyses, and the range of available confounding variables all complicate comparisons between these studies.

Since regular measurement of HDL-cholesterol as a component of a serum lipid profile is recommended as part of routine diabetes care [14], and because there are sex differences in its value in predicting cardiovascular risk [15], there is a need for an assessment of the relationship between serum HDL-cholesterol and both CVD events and mortality in contemporary unselected cohorts of males and females with well-characterised type 2 diabetes. The aim of this study was, therefore, to assess the prognostic significance of serum HDL-cholesterol concentrations in representative, community-based participants from the Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase II (FDS2).


Study site, participants and approvals

The FDS2 is a longitudinal, observational study of diabetes conducted in a postcode-defined geographical area based around the port Fremantle in Western Australia (WA). Eligible participants were identified from hospital inpatient and outpatient databases, primary care and specialist practices, pharmacies, optometrists and opticians, third-party mail-outs to registrants of the National Diabetes Services Scheme and the National Diabetes Register, local advertising, and word of mouth [16]. Details of recruitment strategies, the FDS2 sample (mean age 62 years, 52% males and 90% with clinically defined type 2 diabetes), and eligible but non-recruited people (mean age 61 years, 52% males and 90% with clinically defined type 2 diabetes) have been published [16]. Data relating to income, employment, housing, transportation and other socio-economic variables in the study catchment area have been used to calculate an average Index of Relative Socio-economic Advantage and Disadvantage of 1033 with a range by FDS2 postcode of 977 to 1,113, figures similar to the Australian national mean ± SD of 1,000 ± 100 [17]. The FDS2 protocol was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Southern Metropolitan Area Health Service (reference 07/397). All participants gave written informed consent. No clinical trial registration was required.

Of 4,639 people with known clinician-diagnosed, non-gestational diabetes found between 2008 and 2011 in a population base of 150,000, 1,668 (36.0%) were recruited. Sixty-four participants from the first phase of the FDS recruited between 1993 and 1996 from the same catchment area as FDS2 but who were resident elsewhere at the time of FDS2 recruitment were also enrolled (total cohort 1,732, of whom 1,551 had type 2 diabetes). For the purposes of the present study, there were 1,476 participants with confirmed type 2 diabetes after those with monogenic forms and Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults had been excluded [18], and whose serum HDL-cholesterol was measured at baseline (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Consort diagram showing the participants in the Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase II included in the present study

Clinical and laboratory assessments

All FDS2 participants were invited to face-to-face assessments at entry and then biennially over the next six years [16]. At each assessment, a standardised comprehensive questionnaire was completed and a physical examination was performed, and blood and urine samples were sent for fasting biochemical tests performed in a single nationally accredited laboratory. Participants were requested to bring details of all medications to each visit. Racial/ethnic background was categorised according to self-selection, country/countries of birth and parents’/grandparents’ birth, and language(s) spoken at home as either Anglo-Celt, Southern European, Other European, Asian, Aboriginal or mixed/other. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated, together with a body shape index (ABSI) which represents a more reliable estimate of visceral adiposity in relation to mortality [19]. Chronic diabetes complications were identified using standard definitions [16]. Urinary albumin: creatinine ratio (uACR) was determined from a first-morning sample and renal impairment from the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) [20]. Distal symmetrical polyneuropathy (DSPN) was defined using the vibration perception threshold [21]. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) was defined as an ankle brachial index ≤ 0.90 or a diabetes-related lower extremity amputation.

Serum HDL-cholesterol was determined by homogenous enzymatic methods, initially using reagents and an Integra 800 analyser supplied by Roche Diagnostics, NSW, Australia, and subsequently using reagents and an Architect ci8200 analyser supplied by Abbott Diagnostics, NSW, Australia. Results by the Roche method were adjusted to Abbott-equivalent values to ensure comparability across the study [22]. Assay imprecision was 5.3% at 0.6 mmol/L and 4.0% at 2.1 mmol/L. In addition to standard care assays, serum N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) was measured on an Elecsys 2010 (Roche Diagnostics Australia) and serum C-reactive protein was measured on an Architect ci16200 analyser (Abbott Diagnostics Australia, North Ryde, NSW, Australia) using a high-sensitivity protocol (hsCRP) with reagents supplied by Abbott Diagnostics. In view of the fact that metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) is relatively common in type 2 diabetes, especially amongst women [23], and that it can attenuate serum HDL-cholesterol concentrations [24], we also measured analytes (in addition to conventional liver function tests) that have associated with its presence [25], specifically serum apolipoprotein A1, serum hyaluronic acid, serum haptoglobin and serum alpha-2 macroglobulin. Serum apolipoprotein A1 and haptoglobin were measured by immunoturbidimetry on an Architect 16,200 analyser (Abbott Diagnostics) using reagents supplied by Abbott Diagnostics. Serum alpha-2 macroglobulin and hyaluronic acid were measured on a Cobas 501 (Roche Diagnostics) analyser using reagents supplied by Roche Diagnostics.

Ascertainment of cardiovascular outcomes and deaths

The Hospital Morbidity Data Collection (HMDC) contains validated data relating to all public and private hospitalisations in WA from 1970 onwards, and the Death Register contains information on all deaths in WA starting from 1969 [26]. The FDS2 database has been linked to these data sources through the WA Data Linkage System (WADLS) to end-December 2021, as approved by the WA Department of Health Human Research Ethics Committee. Data from the HMDC was used to supplement information obtained at FDS2 assessments relating to prior or prevalent complications or co-morbidities reported during the five years prior to entry. A history of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) or cerebrovascular disease were defined as hospitalisations or death with/for/of IHD or cerebrovascular disease, respectively, before FDS2 recruitment. Incident major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) were defined as hospitalisations or deaths with/for/of MI, stroke or cardiac/cerebrovascular/sudden death. HMDC data were used to calculate the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) [27] excluding conditions that were coded as diabetes-specific. Causes of death on the death certificate or obtained from a coroner’s report were reviewed independently by two FDS2 physicians and classified under the UK Prospective Diabetes Study coding system [28]; in the case of discrepancy, the casenotes were consulted and a consensus obtained.

Statistical analysis

The computer packages IBM SPSS Statistics 29 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA) and StataSE 15 (College Station, TX: StataCorp LP) were used for statistical analysis. Data are reported as percentage, mean ± SD, geometric mean (SD range), or, when variables are not approximately normally distributed, median [interquartile range]. Two-way comparisons were performed using Fisher’s exact test for independent samples, Student’s t-test for approximately normally distributed variables, and Mann-Whitney U-test for non-normally distributed variables. Serum HDL-cholesterol was examined both as a continuous variable and as sex-specific quintiles.

Cox proportional hazards modelling (backward conditional variable selection with P < 0.050 for entry and ≥ 0.050 for removal) was used to identify independent baseline predictors of incident MACE and all-cause mortality by sex. All clinically plausible variables (excluding serum HDL-cholesterol) with bivariable P ≤ 0.20 were considered for model entry in a backward stepwise manner. These included demographic and diabetes-related factors, the presence of non-MACE complications, cardiovascular risk factors and markers of liver disease risk. Sex-specific quintiles of serum HDL-cholesterol were added to the most parsimonious models excluding serum HDL-cholesterol as a continuous variable. The proportional hazards assumption was assessed and, if violated, significant time-varying covariates were included in Cox models. A two-tailed significance level of P < 0.05 was used throughout. Fine and Gray competing risk regression modelling was also performed in the case of incident MACE to adjust for the competing risk of death from causes other than CVD [29]. Restricted cubic spline modelling with three, four and five knots was undertaken to confirm the shape of the relationship between HDL-cholesterol and incident MACE and all-cause mortality by sex.


Baseline participant characteristics

We followed 1,476 FDS2 participants with confirmed type 2 diabetes. Of these, 713 were females of mean ± SD age 65.6 ± 11.9 years and they had a median [IQR] diabetes duration of 8.0 [3.0–16.0] years. The 763 males had a mean ± SD age of 65.9 ± 11.2 years and their diabetes duration was 10.0 [2.9–15.9] years. At study entry, 24% of our cohort was on diet-based glycaemic management, just over two-thirds were taking oral medications, and 22% were insulin-treated. Metformin (64%) and sulfonylureas (31%) were the most common medications, with much lower use of thiazolidinediones (6%), dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors (2%), acarbose (1%), exenatide (0.1%) and repaglinide (0.1%). None was taking a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor.

Incident major adverse cardiovascular events

There were 665 females and 649 males without a prior history of MI or stroke (93.2% and 85.1%, respectively, of FDS2 participants by sex at baseline; see Fig. 1) who were followed until they experienced a first MACE or died from other causes or end-2021, whichever came first.

In the females, 144 (21.7%) had a MACE during 10.3 ± 3.5 (range 0 to 13.8) years of follow-up. Compared to those who did not have a MACE, bivariable analyses (see Table 1) showed that those who did were older, more likely Indigenous Australian and less likely Asian, were less likely to be married/in a de facto relationship, were less likely to have been educated beyond primary level, had longer duration diabetes with worse glycaemic control despite a greater likelihood of insulin therapy, were more likely to be obese by ABSI but not BMI, had higher systolic blood pressure and total serum cholesterol, were more likely to have had prior CVD (excluding MI and stroke) and were more likely to be taking aspirin, and had a higher likelihood of anaemia, retinopathy, PAD, DSPN and nephropathy (lower eGFR and greater uACR). In relation to non-standard-of-care biomarkers and indices of liver dysfunction, those with an incident MACE had higher serum NT-proBNP, serum aspartate/alanine transferase ratio (AST/ALT), serum hyaluronic acid (ug/L) and serum alpha-2 macroglobulin (g/L).

Table 1 Baseline characteristics by three-point MACE to end-2021 by sex in people with type 2 diabetes excluding those with a prior history of MI or stroke

Amongst the males, 159 (24.5%) had a MACE during 9.7 ± 3.7 (range 0.1 to 13.8) years of follow-up. Compared to those who did not have a MACE, bivariable analyses (see Table 1) showed that those who did were older, had a lower alcohol consumption, were more likely to be insulin-treated, had higher systolic blood pressure, were more likely to have had prior CVD (excluding MI and stroke), and had a higher likelihood of anaemia, retinopathy and PAD, and a greater uACR. In relation to non-standard-of-care biomarkers and indices of liver dysfunction, those with an incident MACE had higher serum NT-proBNP, serum AST/ALT, serum hyaluronic acid and serum alpha-2 macroglobulin.

The Kaplan-Meier curves for MACE by sex and serum HDL-cholesterol quintile are shown in Fig. 2. For females, quintiles 1 and 5 were significantly different to quintile 2 (P = 0.042 and P = 0.008, respectively). For males, there were no statistically significant differences in pairwise comparisons.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Kaplan-Meier plots of incident major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE; upper panels) and all-cause mortality (lower panels) for FDS2 participants in quintile 1 ν―ν, quintile 2 λ―λ, quintile 3 ▲―▲, quintile 4 ⬥―⬥ or quintile 5 λ―λ by sex (females left hand panels, males right hand panels)

The Cox regression model of independent predictors of incident MACE in females is summarised in Table 2. In addition to recognised demographic (increasing age and Aboriginal racial background), diabetes-specific (duration and glycemic control), other conventional (total serum cholesterol and PAD), and novel (serum NT-proBNP) risk factors, serum HDL-cholesterol quintiles showed a U-shaped relationship with this outcome. Compared with quintile 2 (1.04–1.22 mmol/L) both quintiles 1 (< 1.04 mmol/L) and 5 (> 1.59 mmol/L) showed a significantly increased risk in the final Cox model. This pattern was modestly attenuated after adjustment for the competing risk of death (Table 2). Figure 3 (upper panel) shows a cubic spline 3-knot model fitted to the data.

Table 2 Cox regression model of independent associates of three-point MACE in females with type 2 diabetes, excluding those with a prior history of MI or stroke, with female-specific quintiles of serum HDL-cholesterol added to the most parsimonious model excluding serum HDL-cholesterol
Fig. 3
figure 3

Relationship between serum HDL cholesterol and MACE (upper panel) and all-cause death (lower panel) in females using a 3 knot spline model with the lowest and highest values defining quintile 2 (1.04, 1.22 mmol/L (reference)) and the lowest end of quintile 5 (1.59 mmol/L)

The Cox regression model of independent predictors of incident MACE in males is summarised in Table 3. There were recognised demographic (increasing age), diabetes-specific (glycemic control) and other conventional (coronary heart disease, PAD and uACR) risk factors in the final Cox model, but serum HDL-cholesterol quintiles were not significant. This finding was also present after allowing for the competing risk of death from non-CVD causes (Table 3). Since no U-shaped relationship was apparent, no cubic spline model fitted the data.

Table 3 Cox regression model of independent associates of three-point MACE in males with type 2 diabetes, excluding those with a prior history of MI or stroke, with male-specific quintiles of serum HDL-cholesterol added to the most parsimonious model excluding serum HDL-cholesterol

All-cause mortality

Vital status was available in all participants at the end of follow-up (see Fig. 1). In the 713 females, 218 (30.6%) died during 10.6 ± 3.2 (range 0 to 13.8) years of follow-up. Compared to those who did not die in bivariable analyses (see Table 4), those who did were older, more likely Indigenous Australian and less likely Asian, were less likely to be married/in a de facto relationship, were less likely to have been educated beyond primary level, consumed less alcohol, were diagnosed younger and had longer duration diabetes, were more likely to be obese by ABSI and BMI, had higher systolic and lower diastolic blood pressures, had a higher heart rate, were more likely to be treated for hypertension, were more likely to have had prior CVD and were more likely to be taking aspirin, and had a higher likelihood of anaemia, thrombocytopenia, retinopathy, PAD, DSPN and nephropathy (lower eGFR and greater uACR). In relation to non-standard-of-care biomarkers and indices of liver dysfunction, those who died had higher serum NT-proBNP, serum AST/ALT, serum hyaluronic acid and serum alpha-2 macroglobulin, but a lower serum albumin. Their CCI was also significantly greater.

Table 4 Baseline characteristics by all-cause mortality to end-2021 by sex in participants from the Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase II with type 2 diabetes

Amongst the 763 males, 291 (38.1%) died during 10.1 ± 3.5 (range 0.2 to 13.9) years of follow-up. Compared to those who did not die, bivariable analyses (see Table 4) showed that those who did were older, were less likely to be Anglo-Celt, were less likely to be married/in a de facto relationship, were less likely to have been educated beyond primary level, were more likely to have never smoked, had a lower alcohol consumption, were diagnosed younger and had longer duration diabetes, were more likely to be obese by ABSI and BMI, had higher systolic and lower diastolic blood pressures, had a higher heart rate, were more likely to be treated for hypertension, were more likely to have had prior CVD and were more likely to be taking aspirin, and had a higher likelihood of anaemia, PAD, DSPN and nephropathy (lower eGFR and greater uACR). In relation to non-standard-of-care biomarkers and indices of liver dysfunction, those who died had higher serum hsCRP, serum NT-proBNP, serum AST/ALT, serum haptoglobin, serum hyaluronic acid and serum alpha-2 macroglobulin, but a lower serum, albumin. Their CCI was also significantly greater.

The Kaplan-Meier curves for mortality by sex and serum HDL-cholesterol quintile are shown in Fig. 2. For females, quintiles 1, 4 and 5 were significantly difference to quintile 2 (P = 0.036, P = 0.035 and P < 0.001, respectively). For males, quintile 1 was significantly different from quintile 2 (P = 0.047).

The Cox regression models of independent predictors of death in females are summarised in Table 5. In addition to recognised demographic (increasing age and Aboriginal racial background), conventional (ex-/current smoking, central obesity, increased heart rate, HbA1c, PAD, DSPN and an increased CCI), and novel (serum NT-proBNP and serum hyaluronic acid) risk factors, serum HDL-cholesterol quintiles showed a U-shaped relationship with this outcome. Compared with quintile 2 (1.04–1.22 mmol/L) both quintiles 1 (< 1.04 mmol/L) and 5 (> 1.59 mmol/L) showed a significantly increased risk in the final Cox model. Figure 3 (lower panel) shows a cubic spline 3-knot model fitted to the data.

Table 5 Cox models by sex of independent associates of all-cause mortality in type 2 diabetes with sex-specific quintiles of HDL-cholesterol added to the most parsimonious models excluding serum HDL-cholesterol

The Cox regression models of independent predictors of death in males are summarised in Table 5. There were recognised demographic (increasing age and both inversely, being married/in a de facto relationship and Asian ethnicity), diabetes-specific (insulin use), conventional (current smoking, increased heart rate and lower systolic blood pressure which attenuated with time, PAD, serum AST/ALT, a lower serum albumin which attenuated with time, and a CCI ≥ 3), and novel (serum NT-proBNP and serum hyaluronic acid) risk factors. In addition, serum HDL-cholesterol quintile 1 (< 0.90 mmol/L) was associated with a significantly increased risk of death compared with reference quintile 4 (1.15–1.31 mmol/L). Since no U-shaped relationship was apparent, no cubic spline model fitted the data.


The present data show that, in a representative community-based cohort of people with type 2 diabetes, there was an independent U-shaped relationship between baseline quintiles of serum HDL-cholesterol and both MACE and all-cause death in females. For males, there was no association between serum HDL-cholesterol and MACE, but a serum HDL-cholesterol in the lowest quintile was a significant predictor of mortality after adjustment. These findings have implications for the sex-specific management of dyslipidaemia in the context of type 2 diabetes. Although there is no primary role for pharmacotherapy in raising a depressed serum HDL-cholesterol [30], there is an argument for using serum HDL-cholesterol concentrations to help guide risk assessment and preventive strategies differently for males and females [31].

In our females, the serum HDL-cholesterol nadir of risk for MACE and mortality was around 1.2 mmol/L (within the second quintile; see Fig. 3). There was a relatively steep increase in risk below, and a more gradual increment above, this point; an approximate 50% increase in risk of MACE/mortality was seen at a serum HDL-cholesterol < 0.9-1.0 mmol/L and > 1.8–1.9 mmol/L. For males, a serum HDL-cholesterol < 0.9 mmol/L was associated with an approximate 50% increased risk of death. It has been suggested that a serum HDL-cholesterol at these sorts of sex-specific thresholds could be seen as both a traditional risk factor and a risk enhancer [31], prompting consideration of additional diagnostic testing (such as lipoprotein(a) and/or coronary artery calcium scoring/CT angiography) and/or therapeutic intensification (high-potency statin and/or aspirin therapy) in primary prevention, and informing treatment intensification (such as combination or novel lipid-lowering therapy with proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitors) in secondary prevention.

At present, this strategy awaits formal evaluation and is complicated by apparent inconsistencies in previously published data relating serum HDL-cholesterol to MACE and/or mortality in diabetes. Most [10,11,12] but not all [13] studies have found U-shaped relationships that were more prominent for females than males [10] or for males versus females [11, 12]. Interpretation of these differences is complicated by the fact that none of these studies included only people with type 2 diabetes, and there was a variable range and nature of potentially confounding variables used in analyses. The detailed FDS2 phenotypic data allowed clear differentiation of our participants with type 2 diabetes from those with other types, and the development of statistical models that included a full range of potentially confounding variables. Our data parallel those of the Pittsburgh Epidemiology of Diabetes Complications study in type 1 diabetes [10], but the discrepancies between the present and other studies [11,12,13] could reflect geo-epidemiological sex-specific differences in risk factors and management of CVD and other serious co-morbidities. In the case of the FDS2, we were able to adjust for key variables such as race/ethnicity, socioeconomic characteristics, diabetes-specific management and complications, use of cardiovascular risk-reducing therapies, and novel biomarkers including serum NT-proBNP and hsCRP.

Of these latter two analytes, serum NT-proBNP was a predictor of MACE and death in females, and of mortality in males, consistent with other studies in type 2 diabetes [32]. We also assessed the influence of variables associated with MAFLD and thus with potential confounding effects on serum HDL-cholesterol concentrations and the two outcomes of interest [25]. An inverse association between serum albumin concentrations and mortality has been found in MAFLD [33], but has also long been recognised in healthy individuals and patients with a variety of non-hepatic acute or chronic illnesses [34]. This relationship was evident in our male participants, as was a positive relationship between the AST: ALT ratio and death that has been found previously in type 2 diabetes [35]. Serum hyaluronic acid was a significant independent predictor of death in both sexes in the present study. We interpret this as a composite surrogate for the known positive associations between hyaluronic acid and mortality in chronic liver disease [36], chronic lung disease [37] and cancer [38].

The mechanisms underlying a U-shaped MACE/mortality relationship in females and a simpler inverse relationship with death at low serum HDL-concentrations in males are uncertain. Women have higher serum HDL-concentrations than in men in the general population, reflecting oestrogen-mediated generation of surface remnants from a greater rate of metabolism of VLDL-cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol, oestrogen-stimulated apolipoprotein A1 hepatic synthesis, and oestrogen-mediated reductions in hepatic lipase activity [39]. Diabetes reduces serum HDL-cholesterol but, as seen in the present study, women still have higher concentrations than men [40]. Type 2 diabetes impairs HDL-cholesterol function and this has adverse implications for its vascular protective effects [41]. This might help explain the association with low serum HDL-cholesterol concentrations and MACE in our women, but this was not observed in men in FDS2. High levels of HDL-cholesterol, with pro- rather than anti-inflammatory properties [42], may enhance vascular cholesterol deposition and consequent atherosclerosis [43], consistent with our MACE findings in women but not men. A U-shaped relationship has been found for all-cause mortality in a large Chinese study [7] which included evidence of this association for non-CVD causes of death, also revealed in other studies of infections [44], cancer [7] and renal disease [45]. Again, this was evident in our females but not males. These various observations infer a complex relationship between serum HDL-cholesterol, sex and MACE/mortality in type 2 diabetes.

On a practical level, the concept that the higher the serum HDL-cholesterol the better for cardiovascular and other outcomes has been challenged [46]. Perhaps because of the inconsistent findings in diabetes [10,11,12,13], the non-linearity of the relationship with MACE and mortality risk has not yet been addressed in recently published guidelines in diabetes [14]. Nevertheless, the present study suggests that risk assessment and preventive strategies should be prioritised in females with type 2 diabetes and a low or high serum HDL-cholesterol concentration, and in males with a low serum HDL-cholesterol.

The present study has limitations. Observational cohort studies can be affected by bias related to study recruitment. Our participants may have been relatively healthy, but their basic demographic and diabetes-related characteristics were similar to those of eligible people who were not recruited. Although we were able to ascertain vital status in all our participants during follow-up [16], it is possible that MACE events were incorrectly coded or missed. We did not include temporal changes in pharmacotherapy with potential implications for outcomes and follow-up serum HDL-cholesterol concentrations in our analyses. We did not have access to detailed data on diet and physical activity with potential influences on serum HDL-cholesterol concentrations but these have not been available in previous similar studies. The study strengths include the representative nature of the FDS2 cohort drawn from a catchment area typical of an urban Australian setting, the comprehensive nature of the baseline assessment, and the long-running validated WADLS through which the FDS2 has been linked with administrative data on all hospitalisations and deaths in the state of WA.


The present study has shown that there are sex-specific relationships between serum HDL-cholesterol and both MACE and all-cause mortality in community-based people with type 2 diabetes. These findings should be confirmed in other cohorts but have potential implications for cardiovascular and mortality risk assessment and related clinical management strategies.

Data availability

Some outcome data supporting the findings of this study are available from the Western Australian Department of Health, but restrictions apply to the availability of these data, which were used under strict conditions of confidentiality for the current study, and so are not publicly available. Data are however available from the authors upon reasonable request and with permission of Western Australian Department of Health.



A body shape index


Serum aspartate/alanine transferase ratio


Body mass index


Charlson Comorbidity Index


Cardiovascular disease


Distal symmetrical polyneuropathy


Estimated glomerular filtration rate


Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase II


High sensitivity C-reactive protein


Hospital Morbidity Data Collection


Ischaemic heart disease


Major adverse cardiovascular events


Metabolic dysfunction-associated liver disease


Myocardial infarction


N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide


peripheral arterial disease


urinary albumin: creatinine ratio


Western Australia


WA Data Linkage System


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The authors wish to thank the FDS2 staff, investigators and participants, the staff at Data Linkage Services WA, the Hospital Morbidity Data Collection, and the Registry for Births, Deaths and Marriages.


The present study was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (project grants 513781 and 1042231) which had no involvement in the study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation of results or writing this manuscript.

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TMED, the Principal Investigator of the FDS2, conceived the study, provided clinical interpretation and produced the final version of the manuscript. SAPC supervised the biochemistry analyses and edited the manuscript. WAD, a Co-Investigator of the FDS2, analysed the data and edited the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Timothy M. E. Davis.

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The FDS2 protocol by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Southern Metropolitan Area Health Service (reference 07/397). All participants gave written informed consent before study entry.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Davis, T.M.E., Chubb, S.A.P. & Davis, W.A. The relationship between serum HDL-cholesterol, cardiovascular disease and mortality in community-based people with type 2 diabetes: the Fremantle Diabetes Study phase 2. Cardiovasc Diabetol 23, 362 (2024).

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