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Fig. 4 | Cardiovascular Diabetology

Fig. 4

From: The prognostic value of the stress hyperglycemia ratio for all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with diabetes or prediabetes: insights from NHANES 2005–2018

Fig. 4

Association between SHR and all-cause (A) and cardiovascular mortality (B) in patients with diabetes. Association between SHR and all-cause (C) and cardiovascular mortality (D) in patients with pre-diabetes. Adjusted for age, sex, race, BMI, smoking status, alcohol use, hypertension, coronary heart disease, chronic kidney disease, anemia, and TG. The solid line and purple area represent the estimated values and their corresponding 95% CIs, respectively. SHR stress hyperglycemia ratio; BMI body mass index; CI confidence interval; HR hazard ratio, TG triglyceride

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