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Table 1 Participant’s general characteristics according to tertiles of energy-adjusted total legume consumption at baseline

From: Plasma metabolite profile of legume consumption and future risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease


T1 (n = 611)

T2 (n = 611)

T3 (n = 611)

Overall (n = 1833)

Total legume consumption (g/day)

11 ± 4

19 ± 2

32 ± 15

20 ± 12

Age (years)

67 ± 6

67 ± 6

68 ± 6

67 ± 6

Sex, women, n (%)

340 (55.6)

370 (60.6)

345 (56.5)

1055 (57.6)

Education level, n (%)


431 (70.5)

473 (77.4)

457 (74.8)

1361 (74.2)


114 (18.7)

86 (14.1)

102 (16.7)

302 (16.5)


56 (9.2)

40 (6.5)

37 (6.1)

133 (7.3)

Body mass index (kg/m2)

29.8 ± 3.6

29.7 ± 3.5

30.3 ± 3.6

29.9 ± 3.6

Waist circumference (cm)

100 ± 10

100 ± 10

101 ± 10

100 ± 10

Leisure time physical activity level (MET min/day)

253 ± 249

234 ± 217

246 ± 242

244 ± 237

Type 2 diabetes, n (%)

189 (30.9)

157 (25.7)

188 (30.8)

534 (29.1)

Hypercholesterolemia, n (%)

460 (75.3)

465 (76.1)

483 (79.1)

1408 (76.8)

Hypertension, n (%)

530 (86.7)

536 (87.7)

533 (87.2)

1599 (87.2)

Family history of CVD, n (%)


151 (24.7)

154 (25.2)

451 (24.6)

Current smoker, n (%)


111 (18.2)

90 (14.7)

86 (14.1)

287 (15.7)


154 (25.2)

147 (24.1)

153 (25.0)

454 (24.8)


346 (56.6)

374 (61.2)

372 (60.9)

1092 (59.6)

Food and nutrient consumption

 Lentils (g/day)

4 ± 2

6 ± 2

9 ± 6

6 ± 4

 Chickpeas (g/day)

3 ± 2

5 ± 2

8 ± 5

5 ± 4

 Dry beans (g/day)

3 ± 2

4 ± 2

8 ± 6

5 ± 4

 Fresh peas (g/day)

1 ± 2

3 ± 3

6 ± 12

3 ± 7

 Total meat (g/day)

139 ± 56

135 ± 48

128 ± 54

134 ± 53

 Total fish (g/day)

98 ± 47

103 ± 59

102 ± 48

101 ± 52

 Total vegetables (g/day)

307 ± 139

325 ± 136

364 ± 161

332 ± 148

 Total fruits (g/day)

353 ± 192

351 ± 184

378 ± 199

361 ± 192

 Total cereals (g/day)

233 ± 88

238 ± 75

222 ± 84

231 ± 83

 Total dairy (g/day)

368 ± 221

370 ± 202

389 ± 221

375 ± 215

 Total olive oil (g/day)

40 ± 16

40 ± 15

38 ± 17

39 ± 16

 Total nuts (g/day)

11 ± 14

11 ± 12

11 ± 13

11 ± 13

 Total alcohol (g/day)

11 ± 17

9 ± 13

8 ± 13

10 ± 14

 Total energy (kcal/day)

2373 ± 587

2189 ± 483

2287 ± 544

2283 ± 545

  1. Tertile ranges (g of legume/day): T1 = [−4.41, 15.2); T2 = [15.23, 22.4], T3 = (22.43, 174.9] at baseline
  2. All dietary variables were adjusted for total energy intake using the residual method
  3. CVD cardiovascular disease, MET metabolic equivalent of task, T Tertiles
  4. Values are means ± standard deviations for continuous variables or number (%) for categorical variables