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Fig. 6 | Cardiovascular Diabetology

Fig. 6

From: ASGR1 deficiency diverts lipids toward adipose tissue but results in liver damage during obesity

Fig. 6

Liver of ASGR1 deficient mice undergoes metabolic rewiring during HFD. A Principal component analysis (PCA) of the liver proteome of WT and ASGR1−/− mice after 20 weeks of HFD. B Differently expressed proteins on the total liver proteome of WT and ASGR1−/− mice after 20 weeks of HFD. C Top enriched pathways in gene ontology (GO, FDR < 0.05) for cellular component (CC), biological processes (BP) and molecular function (MF) in the liver proteome of WT and ASGR1−/− mice after 20 weeks of HFD. D Volcano plot for the differently expressed proteins in the liver of WT and ASGR1−/− mice after 20 weeks of HFD. Depicted blue and red represent the down- and upregulated proteins in ASGR1−/− mice, respectively. E, F Metabolic signaling pathways of differently expressed proteins, specifically E inhibited (z-score < -2) and F activated canonical pathways (z-score > 2) in the liver of ASGR1−/− mice after 20 weeks of HFD. G Representative images of liver photomicrographs obtained by Transmission Electron Microscopy showing mitochondria ultrastructure. Quantification of mitochondria number per field H and length to width ratio I in WT and ASGR1−/− mice liver after 20 weeks of HFD. Each bar and error represent the mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 and ***p < 0.001

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