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Fig. 7 | Cardiovascular Diabetology

Fig. 7

From: The impact of prior exposure to hypoglycaemia on the inflammatory response to a subsequent hypoglycaemic episode

Fig. 7

Scatter plots representing the correlation between the change in adrenaline during hypoglycaemia compared to normoglycaemia with the change in granulocytes (A), lymphocytes (B) and monocytes (C), monocyte phenotype (D, E), cytokine production (FI) and inflammatory proteins (J) (Spearman test) during hypoglycaemia compared to normoglycaemia (Pearson test, unless otherwise stated), correlation coefficients (r) and confidence interval (CI) are depicted in the figures *p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001)

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