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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of study participants according to tertiles of energy-adjusted total olive oil consumption

From: Olive oil consumption, plasma metabolites, and risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease


Tertile 1 (n = 613)

Tertile 2 (n = 612)

Tertile 3 (n = 612)

Age (years)

67 ± 6

67 ± 6

67 ± 6

Women, n (%)

339 (55)

363 (59)

356 (58)

Body mass index (kg/m2)

30 ± 3

30 ± 4

30 ± 4

Waist circumference (cm)

101 ± 10

100 ± 10

101 ± 10

Type 2 diabetes, n (%)

178 (29)

165 (27)

192 (31)

Hypercholesterolemia, n (%)

485 (79)

464 (76)

462 (76)

Hypertension, n (%)

531 (87)

540 (88)

532 (87)

Family history of CVD, n (%)

152 (25)

145 (24)

154 (25)

Current smoking, n (%)

103 (17)

101 (17)

83 (14)

Vegetables (g/day)

343 ± 164

323 ± 149

328 ± 136

Fruit (g/day)

374 ± 215

356 ± 183

352 ± 193

Legumes (g/day)

22 ± 16

20 ± 11

19 ± 10

Cereals (g/day)

249 ± 104

236 ± 106

208 ± 88

Dairy (g/day)

402 ± 235

376 ± 222

348 ± 202

Total meat (g/day)

139 ± 60

136 ± 55

127 ± 52

Total fish (g/day)

99 ± 50

104 ± 64

101 ± 43

Total olive oil (g/day)

22 ± 8

40 ± 12

56 ± 10

Virgin olive oil (g/day)

9 ± 11

21 ± 20

36 ± 27

Common olive oil (g/day)

12 ± 12

18 ± 19

19 ± 25

Nuts (g/day)

12 ± 14

11 ± 14

10 ± 13

Wine (g/day)

70 ± 115

75 ± 132

55 ± 99

Alcohol (g/day)

10 ± 16

11 ± 18

8 ± 12

Total energy (kcal/day)

2297 ± 489

2309 ± 670

2243 ± 450

Adherence to the MedDiet

8 ± 2

9 ± 2

9 ± 2

  1. Values are means ± standard deviation for continuous variables or number (%) for categorical variables
  2. CVD Cardiovascular disease, MedDiet Mediterranean diet
  3. Total olive oil consumption was adjusted for total energy intake using the residual method