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Table 1 Characteristics of 6 496 participants

From: Triglyceride-glucose index, renal function and cardiovascular disease: a national cohort study



Participants, No


Age, years, mean (SD)

59.57 (9.53)

Sex, Female, n (%)

2996 (46.1)

Residence, n (%)


5225 (80.5)


1267 (19.5)

Marriage, married, n (%)

5727 (88.2)

Educational level, n (%)


4455 (68.6)


1302 (20.1)


734 (11.3)

Smoking status, n (%)


3892 (60.0)


456 (7.0)


2139 (33.0)

BMIa, kg/m2

23.76 (6.04)

 < 23.9

3025 (56.5)


1137 (21.2)

 ≥ 28

1194 (22.3)

SBP, mmHg, mean (SD)

131.13 (21.98)

Hypertension, n (%)

2770 (42.6)

Diabetes, n (%)

1197 (18.4)

Glucose, mg/dL, mean (SD)

109.60 (34.75)

Triglycerides, mg/dL, mean (SD)

132.00 (92.19)

NonHDL cholesterol, mg/dL, mean (SD)

142.40 (38.25)

  1. Data are presented as the mean (SD) or number (%), as appropriate
  2. SD standard deviation, BMI body mass index, SBP systolic blood pressure, HDL high-density lipoprotein
  3. aCalculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared