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Table 3 HRs used to reflect the effectiveness of finerenone [13]

From: Cost-effectiveness of finerenone in chronic kidney disease associated with type 2 diabetes in The Netherlands


HR Finerenone + SoC vs. SoC (95%CI)

The onset of eGFR decrease < 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 sustained over at least 4 weeks

0.82 (0.67–1.01)

Progression to dialysis

0.87 (0.67–1.12)

Progression to kidney transplant

1.00a (1.00–1.00)

CV death

0.86 (0.68–1.08)

Renal death, CKD 5 w/o RRT

1.03 (0.15–7.31)

First modelled CV eventb

0.87 (0.74–1.02)

Subsequent CV eventb

0.95 (0.70–1.30)

Hyperkalemia leading to hospitalization

2.71 (1.60–4.60)

Hyperkalemia not leading to hospitalization

1.92 (1.67–2.21)

New onset of atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter

0.71 (0.53–0.94)

  1. CKD chronic kidney disease, CV cardiovascular, eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate, HR hazard ratio, RRT renal replacement treatment, SoC standard of care
  2. aNo difference between treatments was assumed; validated with clinical expert input
  3. bCV events include non-fatal MI, stroke, or hospitalization for heart failure