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Table 1 Outcomes reported and duration of follow-up time period

From: Long-term cardiovascular outcomes of biodegradable polymer drug eluting stents in patients with diabetes versus non-diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis


Outcomes reported in the original studies

Duration of follow-up time period (months)

Iglesias2019 [17]

All-cause mortality, cardiac death, MI, repeated revascularization, TLR, TVR, cerebrovascular events, TIA, stroke, ischemic stroke, intra-cerebral hemorrhagic stroke, TLF, TVF, MACEs, definite ST, definite or probable ST

60 months

Lee2017 [18]


24 months

Lenz2021 [19]

MACEs, all-cause mortality, cardiac death, MI, TLR, definite ST, probable ST, definite/probable ST

120 months

Li2012 [20]

All-cause mortality, cardiac death, MI, TLR, MACEs, repeated revascularization

48 months

Rola2021 [21]

MACEs, all-cause mortality, cardiac death, MI, ST, repeated revascularization, TVR, TLR

12 months

Tang2018 [22]

MACEs, all-cause mortality, cardiac death, MI, ST, repeated revascularization, TVR, TLR, stroke

24 months

Wiermer2017 [23]

Cardiac death, all-cause mortality, MI, TLR, TVR, MACEs, TLF, definite and probable ST

60 months

  1. Abbreviations: TLF: Target lesion failure; TLR: Target lesion revascularization, MI: Myocardial infarction, ST: Stent thrombosis; TVR: Target vessel revascularization, TIA: Transient ischemic attack, TVF: Target vessel failure, MACEs: Major adverse cardiac events