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Fig. 2 | Cardiovascular Diabetology

Fig. 2

From: Different roles of protein biomarkers predicting eGFR trajectories in people with chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus: a nationwide retrospective cohort study

Fig. 2

Standardized coefficients estimated by univariable Bayesian linear mixed models. The thin black bars indicate 95% Bayesian credible intervals for the coefficients; the thick black bars indicate 50% Bayesian credible intervals. The intersection point of the horizontal and vertical bars indicated by the point gives the values of the baseline and slope coefficients. The top-5 biomarkers in terms of posterior median adjusted \(R^{2}\) pooled over all observation times are annotated in the graphic. Note the different x- and y-axis scales. Most biomarkers are concentrated around the x-axis, indicating an association with baseline eGFR, but weak association with the longitudinal eGFR trajectory

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