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Fig. 1 | Cardiovascular Diabetology

Fig. 1

From: Association of healthy lifestyle including a healthy sleep pattern with incident type 2 diabetes mellitus among individuals with hypertension

Fig. 1

Effect of lifestyle factors on the risk of incident T2DM among overall and hypertension population in the UKB cohort. HRs for each group were compared with those with no healthy lifestyle factors; error bars show 95% CIs. Low-risk lifestyle factors: BMI of ≤ 24.9 kg/m2; moderate alcohol consumption (0 to 15 g/day for women and 0 to 28 g/day for men). Nonsmoking; moderate to vigorous physical activity ($150 min/week), high-quality diet (top two-fifths of healthy diet score), and healthy sleep pattern (top two-fifths of healthy sleep score). Low-risk sleep factors: early chronotype; sleep 7–8 h per day; reported never or rarely insomnia symptoms; no self-reported snoring; and no frequent daytime sleepiness. Both models were adjusted for age, sex, education, socioeconomic status, parental history of T2DM or hypertension. T2DM Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, HR hazard ratio; CI confidence interval. All p for trend < 0.0001, calculated using the log-rank test

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