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Table 1 Characteristics of the study samples

From: Diabetes status-related differences in risk factors and mediators of heart failure in the general population: results from the MORGAM/BiomarCaRE consortium


Sample 1 (whole sample: DAN-MONICA, FINRISK, Moli-sani, SHHEC, Northern Sweden MONICA)

Sample 2 (sample with biomarker data available: FINRISK, Moli-sani, SHHEC, Northern Sweden MONICA)




No diabetes

Missing, n (%)



No diabetes

Missing, n (%)



94,011 (100)

3,834 (100)

90,177 (100)


55,271 (100)

2,472 (100)

52,799 (100)




7,526 (8.0)

178 (4.6)

7,348 (8.1)



36,907 (39.3)

1,526 (39.8)

35,381 (39.2)


7,852 (14.2)

397 (16.1)

7,455 (14.1)



23,249 (24.7)

1,468 (38.3)

21,781 (24.2)


23,198 (42.0)

1,465 (59.3)

21,733 (41.2)



15,959 (17.0)

276 (7.2)

15,683 (17.4)


14,190 (25.7)

239 (9.7)

13,951 (26.4)


 Northern Sweden


10,370 (11.0)

386 (10.1)

9,984 (11.1)


10,031 (18.2)

371 (15.0)

9,660 (18.3)



48,320 (51.4)

1,771 (46.2)

46,549 (51.6)


28,307 (51.2)

1,066 (43.1)

27,241 (51.6)


Age, years

48.65 (12.5)

57.65 (11.7)

48.27 (12.4)


51.08 (12.2)

60.45 (11.4)

50.64 (12.1)



 Antihypertensive treatment

13,522 (14.4)

1,632 (42.6)

11,890 (13.1)

3,284 (3.5)

9,833 (17.8)

1,199 (48.5)

8,634 (16.4)

412 (0.7)

 Lipid lowering treatment

3,099 (3.3)

579 (15.1)

2,520 (2.8)

30,281 (32.2)

2,465 (4.5)

479 (19.4)

1,986 (3.8)

15,704 (28.4)

 Diabetes treatment



1,427 (37.2)


810 (21.1)


1,148 (46.4)


518 (21.0)



607 (15.8)


810 (21.1)


388 (15.7)


518 (21.0)



990 (25.8)


810 (21.1)


418 (16.9)


518 (21.0)

Risk factors

 Alcohol use, g/d

10.82 (18.0)

10.60 (18.7)

10.83 (18.0)

2,343 (2.5)

12.13 (19.4)

12.41 (20.0)

12.12 (19.4)

1,937 (3.5)

 BMI, kg/m2

26.17 (4.6)

29.16 (5.5)

26.05 (4.5)

806 (0.9)

26.61 (4.7)

29.56 (5.5)

26.47 (4.6)

97 (0.2)


29,914 (31.8)

862 (22.5)

29,052 (32.2)

161 (0.2)

16,140 (29.2)

475 (19.2)

15,665 (29.7)

42 (0.1)

 Systolic BP, mmHg

135.23 (20.6)

145.80 (22.0)

134.79 (20.4)

761 (0.8)

135.66 (20.8)

147.42 (22.0)

135.11 (20.6)

15 (0.0)

 Baseline MI

2,194 (2.3)

303 (7.9)

1,891 (2.1)

289 (0.3)

1,450 (2.6)

215 (8.7)

1,235 (2.3)

228 (0.4)

 Baseline AF

560 (0.6)

51 (1.3)

501 (0.6)

6,328 (6.8)

423 (0.8)

51 (2.1)

372 (0.7)

6,371 (11.5)


 HDL, mmol/l


1.4 (1.2 − 1.7)

1.3 (1.1 − 1.5)

1.4 (1.2 − 1.7)

2996 (5.4)

 LDL, mmol/l


3.0 (2.4 − 3.8)

2.9 (2.3 − 3.5)

3.0 (2.4 − 3.8)

3019 (5.4)

 Triglycerides, mmol/l


1.2 (0.9 − 1.7)

1.4 (1.0 − 1.9)

1.20 (0.9 − 1.6)

2956 (5.3)

 Insulin, pmol/l


6.6 (4.5 − 10.0)

9.6 (6.2 − 15.4)

6.5 (4.4 − 9.8)

1894 (3.4)

 Glucose, mmol/l


4.9 (4.5 − 5.5)

7.3 (5.8 − 9.5)

4.9 (4.5 − 5.4)

3,466 (6.2)

 Creatinine, μmol/l


70.7 (61.9 − 79.6)

72.5 (63.6 − 85.7)

70.7 (61.9 − 79.6)

1120 (2.0)

 hs-CRP, mg/l


1.4 (0.6 − 2.9)

2.0 (0.9 − 4.3)

1.3 (0.6 − 2.8)

1109 (2.0)

 nT-proBNP, pg/ml


48.3 (25.5 − 90.2)

67.1 (32.5 − 143.3)

47.7 (25.3 − 88.1)

6678 (12.1)

 hs-TnI, pg/ml


2.5 (1.4 − 4.3)

3.2 (2.0 − 5.5)

2.4 (1.4 − 4.2)

2643 (4.8)

 Vitamin D, ng/ml


16.2 (11.5 − 22.4)

15.3 (11.0 − 20.7)

16.2 (11.5 − 22.4)

2543 (4.6)

  1. Data presented as n (% of either overall, diabetic, or non-diabetic population) for categorical and as mean (standard deviation) for continuous variables regarding demographics, diabetes treatment and risk factors, and as median (Q1-Q3) before transformations (square root for HDL, LDL and triglycerides, cube root for others), winsorizing and imputations for biomarkers. Missing data information is presented as n (% of overall) missing for demographics, risk factors and biomarkers, n (% of individuals with diabetes) for diabetes treatment, and for biomarkers also as number imputed. Values for continuous variables are from regular ANOVA with equal variance assumption and for categorical variables from chi-squared tests with continuity correction. p values for all values < 0.001 except for Alcohol use (p = 0.45 in Sample 1 and = 0.484 in Sample 2)
  2. NA not available, MONICA Multinational Monitoring of trends and determinants in Cardiovascular disease, SHHEC Scottish Heart Health Extended Cohort, MI myocardial infarction, AF atrial fibrillation, CHD coronary heart disease, BP blood pressure, HF heart failure, CRP C-reactive protein; nT-proBNP n-terminal atrial natriuretic peptide, type B, hs high sensitivity assay, TnI troponin I, HDL HDL cholesterol, LDL LDL cholesterol