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Table 2 Effects of metformin on atrial arrhythmias: reports from in vivo studies

From: Effects of metformin on atrial and ventricular arrhythmias: evidence from cell to patient


Metformin (dose/ duration)

Key results and major findings



Energy homeostasis


Ion channel



EP changes

Structural remodel


Non-DM dogs with atrial rapid pacing (1200 bpm for 6 h)

100 mg/kg/days for 2 weeks








↓FFA/TG /lipid deposition in LAA


Metformin improved EP disorders caused by atrial rapid pacing via ↓lipid accumulation and promoted FAO in AF models through AMPK/PPAR-α/VLCAD pathway


Non-DM dogs with rapid atrial pacing (400 bpm for 6 weeks)

100 mg/kg/days for 1 week prior then 6 weeks


↓ in LA/EAT


– ↑APN, adipoR1 – ↓ IL-6, NF-kB, TNFα, TGFβ1



↓LA fibrosis and EAT


Metformin reduced AF and atrial fibrosis by inhibited ROS/NF-kB, reduced epicardial fat, pro-inflammatory adipokines, and upregulated adiponectin in LA/EAT


Non-DM dogs with rapid atrial pacing 400 bpm

100 mg/kg/days for 1 week then pace for 180/ 360 min (acute)










Metformin reduced AF by preventing adverse electrical remodeling via increase AMPK and Cx43 expression in chronic AF model. Metformin mildly increased Cx43 in acute pacing and could not attenuate AERPd


100 mg/kg/days with pace for 6 weeks (chronic)


↔ mito-chondrial morphology






↔Irregular myocardial fibers


GK T2DM rats

300 mg/kg/days for 3 months


- ↔ SK1, ↑SK2,↓SK3

-↑SK current

-↓distorted current-voltage relationship



↓ Atrial myofilament irregularity and fibrosis


Metformin reduced atrial arrhythmia in DM GK rats via decreased atrial remodeling and normalized APD via restoring SK current


  1. adipoR1 adiponectin receptor 1, AERP atrial effective refractory period, AERPd AERP dispersion, AMPK 5' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase, APD action potential duration, bpm beats per minutes, APN adiponectin, Ca calcium, CPT-1 Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I, EAT epicardial adipose tissue, EP electrophysiologic, FAO fatty acid oxidation, FFA free fatty acid, GK Goto-Kakizaki, LA left atrium, LAA left atrial appendage, PGC-1α peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator 1α, PPAR-α peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α, ROS reactive oxygen species, SK channels small conductance calcium-activated potassium channels, TG triglyceride, TGFβ1 transforming growth factor beta1, TNFα tumor necrosis factor alpha, VLCAD Very long-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase