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Table 4 Multiple logistic models for the impact of TyG index on coronary PP

From: Quantitative assessment of coronary plaque volume change related to triglyceride glucose index: The Progression of AtheRosclerotic PlAque DetermIned by Computed TomoGraphic Angiography IMaging (PARADIGM) registry


OR (95% CI)


RR (95% CI)


TyG index, per 1-unit increase

 Model 1

1.575 (1.232–2.015)

< 0.001

1.103 (1.049–1.160)

< 0.001

 Model 2

1.598 (1.250–2.042)

< 0.001

1.111 (1.056–1.169)

< 0.001

 Model 3

1.409 (1.062–1.869)


1.083 (1.021–1.150)


  1. BMI body mass index, BP blood pressure, CI confidence interval, HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, OR odds ratio, PP plaque progression, RR relative risk, TyG triglyceride glucose
  2. Model 1: Unadjusted
  3. Model 2: Adjusted for age and sex
  4. Model 3: Adjusted for age, sex, systolic BP, BMI, and HDL-C