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Table 2 Absolute change in glycemic parameters at week 12, week 24, and week 56 from baseline

From: Effect of saroglitazar 2 mg and 4 mg on glycemic control, lipid profile and cardiovascular disease risk in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a 56-week, randomized, double blind, phase 3 study (PRESS XII study)

Efficacy outcome

Laboratory assessment at study time point


2 mg (n = 192)

m ± SD


4 mg (n = 206)

m ± SD

Pioglitazone 30 mg (n = 206)

m ± SD

HbA1C (%)

Absolute change at week 12

− 0.99 ± 1.84*

− 1.21 ± 1.85*

− 1.25 ± 1.88*

Absolute change at week 24

− 1.38 ± 1.99*

− 1.47 ± 1.92*

− 1.41 ± 1.86*

Absolute change at week 56

− 1.34 ± 2.01*

− 1.49 ± 1.97*

− 1.47 ± 2.01*

FPG (mg/dL)

Absolute change at week 12

− 2.93 ± 73.34

− 9.23 ± 70.73

− 15.46 ± 69.68*

Absolute change at week 24

− 0.09 ± 72.72

− 8.09 ± 78.76

− 12.70 ± 67.98*

Absolute change at week 56

− 17.13 ± 62.04*

− 17.19 ± 70.29*

− 21.13 ± 65.02*

PPG (mg/dL)

Absolute change at week 12

− 33.59 ± 107.06*

− 42.86 ± 102.22*

− 48.60 ± 100.38*

Absolute change at week 24

− 35.46 ± 108.81*

− 44.36 ± 103.73*

− 45.52 ± 101.73*

Absolute change at week 56

− 45.98 ± 106.45*

− 43.33 ± 97.54*

− 51.33 ± 107.36*

  1. Absolute change at week 12 = value at week 12 − value at baseline
  2. Absolute change at week 24 = value at week 24 − value at baseline
  3. Absolute change at week 56 = value at week 56 − value at baseline
  4. Primary efficacy endpoint was the absolute change from baseline to week-24 in HbA1c for saroglitazar 2 mg, saroglitazar 4 mg and pioglitazone 30 mg
  5. dL decilitre, FPG fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c glycosylated hemoglobin, mg milligram, m mean, n number of patients, PPG postprandial plasma glucose, SD standard deviation
  6. * Significant difference compared to baseline using paired t-test (p value < 0.05 which is < 0.016 for each treatment group)