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Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics by metformin status, in patients with at least one prescription in 6 months prior to admission with first acute AMI

From: Metformin use and cardiovascular outcomes after acute myocardial infarction in patients with type 2 diabetes: a cohort study


Metformin (N = 2576, 63.9%)

Other drug (N = 1454, 36.1%)

Age (years), mean (SD)**

71.29 (11.2)

76.10 (10.9)

Female, n (%)*

1001 (38.9)

624 (42.9)

IMD, n (%)

 < 8.5 (Least deprived)

431 (16.8)

252 (17.4)

 8.5– < 34.18

1657 (64.6)

938 (64.8)

 ≥ 34.18 (Most deprived)

478 (18.6)

258 (17.8)

BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD)**

 < 18.5

23 (0.9)

27 (2.0)

 18.5– < 25

490 (19.8)

388 (29.0)

 25– < 30

912 (36.8)

535 (40.0)

 30– < 35

703 (28.4)

275 (20.5)


352 (14.2)

115 (8.6)

Smoking status, n (%)*


1104 (44.6)

688 (50.4)


1011 (40.8)

493 (36.1)

 Current smoker

363 (14.7)

183 (13.4)

Hypertensive, n (%)*

2186 (84.9)

1178 (81.0)

Systolic blood pressure (mmHg), mean (SD)*

140.50 (23.6)

138.38 (21.8)

HbA1c (mmol/mol), mean (SD)**

61.48 (17.39)

58.99 (17.16)

Diabetes medication, n (%)

 Sulphonylureas, n (%)**

1310 (50.9)

1400 (96.3)

 Thiazolidinediones, n (%)

217 (8.4)

146 (10.0)

 Acarbose, n (%)

69 (2.7)

37 (2.5)

 DPP4 inhibitors, n (%)*

8 (0.3)

13 (0.9)

 GLP1 agonists, n (%)

3 (0.1)

2 (0.1)

 Meglitinides, n (%)

21 (0.8)

15 (1.0)

 Insulin, n (%)**

440 (17.1)

113 (7.8)

 HDL serum cholesterol (mmol/L), mean (SD)

1.18 (0.4)

1.20 (0.4)

 Total serum cholesterol (mmol/L), mean (SD)**

4.43 (1.2)

4.58 (1.3)

History of cardiovascular disease

 HF, n (%)*

652 (25.3)

432 (29.7)

 CHD, n (%)

1064 (41.3)

593 (40.9)

 Ischaemic stroke, n (%)

89 (3.5)

49 (3.4)

 Stroke, n (%)

338 (13.1)

198 (13.6)

 TIA, n (%)

218 (8.5)

135 (9.3)

 PAD, n (%)*

472 (18.3)

307 (21.1)

 AAA, n (%)*

441 (17.1)

292 (20.1)

  1. Patients with missing data were: 16 for IMD score, 210 for BMI, 188 for smoking status, 91 for systolic blood pressure, 1032 for HbA1c, 988 for HDL cholesterol, and 382 for total cholesterol
  2. AMI acute myocardial infarction, BMI body mass index, IMD index of multiple deprivation, HbA1c haemoglobin A1c, DPP dipeptidyl peptidase, GLP glucagon-like peptide, HDL high density lipoprotein, HF heart failure, CHD coronary heart disease, NOS not otherwise specified, TIA transient ischaemic attack, PAD peripheral arterial disease, AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm
  3. * P < 0.05 ** P < 0.001, from tests of difference using t tests for continuous variables and Chi squared tests for categorical variables