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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of study population

From: The association between fasting plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin in the prediabetes range and future development of hypertension



n = 5016


n = 2619


n = 2397

p value

Agea (year)

53.5 (9.9)

51.03 (9.7)

55.94 (9.7)

p < .0001

Male genderb (%)

3476 (69.4)

1678 (64.1)

1798 (75.2)

p < .0001

FPG (mg/dl)a

94.00 (10.72)

88.24 (7.49)

100.12 (10.27)

p < .0001

HbA1C %




p < .0001


25.90 (3.75)

25.26 (3.73)

26.61 (3.64)

p < .0001

SBP (mmHg)a

120 (15)

117 (14)

122 (16)

p < .0001

DBP (mmHg)a

74 (10)

72 (10)

76 (10)

p < .0001

Statin useb (%)

181 (3.6)

75 (2.9)

106 (4.4)

p = .004

Current smokerb (%)

729 (14.4)

387 (14.8)

342 (14.4)

p = .688

Physically activeb (%)

3734 (74.7)

1995 (76.3)

1739 (73)

p = .008

LDL (mmole/l)a

122 (28)

122 (27)

122 (28)

p = .869

HDL (mmole/l)a

50 (13)

52 (14)

48 (12)

p < .0001

Triglycerides (mmole/l)a

121 (64)

113 (64)

129 (63)

p < .0001

  1. FPG fasting plasma glucose, BMI body mass index, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, LDL low-density lipoprotein, HDL high-density lipoprotein
  2. aValues are expressed as mean ± SD
  3. bValues are expressed as absolute number (percentage of group)