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Table 5 Odds ratio and 95 % confidential interval of high Framingham 10 year risk (>20 %) according to PRAL tertiles in adults

From: Association between dietary acid load and the risk of cardiovascular disease: nationwide surveys (KNHANES 2008–2011)


Lowest tertile

Second tertile

Highest tertile


1 (referent)

1.22 (1.10–1.36)

1.18 (1.06–1.31)

Model 1

1 (referent)

1.19 (1.03–1.36)

1.16 (1.01–1.32)

Model 2

1 (referent)

1.18 (1.03–1.36)

1.15 (1.01–1.31)

Model 3

1 (referent)

1.25 (1.05–1.49)

1.19 (1.01–1.41)

  1. Model 1: adjusted for age (per 5 years), and sex
  2. Model 2: adjusted for age (per 5 years), sex, exercise, and family history of cardio- and cerebro-vascular disease
  3. Model 3: adjusted for age (per 5 years), sex, exercise, family history of cardio- and cerebro-vascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, LDL cholesterol, eGFR, and urine pH
  4. ASCVD 10 year atherosclerotic vascular disease; PRAL potential renal acid load; eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate; LDL cholesterol; low density lipoprotein cholesterol