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Table 2 Myocardial Metabolic and Function Variables

From: Effects of human immunodeficiency virus and metabolic complications on myocardial nutrient metabolism, blood flow, and oxygen consumption: a cross-sectional analysis


HIV-/MC- (n = 22)

HIV-/MC+ (n = 9)

HIV+/MC- (n = 15)

HIV+/MC+ (n = 23)

MVO2 (μmol/g/min)

4.3 ± 1.0

4.5 ± 1.3

3.9 ± 1.1

4.3 ± 1.1

MBF (ml/g/min)

0.97 ± 0.19

1.06 ± 0.22

0.92 ± 0.26

0.97 ± 0.29

GLUT (nmol/g/min)

242 ± 141

139 ± 71

184 ± 135

113 ± 66

Glycolysis (nmol/g/min)

69 ± 54

40 ± 30

80 ± 89

81 ± 39

Glycogen formation (nmol/g/min)

147 ± 82

127 ± 57

118 ± 90

35 ± 34

Lactate production (nmol/g/min)

10 ± 11

5 ± 7

18 ± 35

6 ± 9

Glucose oxidation (nmol/g/min)

62 ± 43

34 ± 23

70 ± 67

33 ± 33

EF Total (%)

42 ± 8

38 ± 6*

49 ± 19

37 ± 8¶

FAOX (nmol/g/min)

133 ± 56

145 ± 44

115 ± 47

97 ± 38


30 ± 13

34 ± 11

32 ± 15

23 ± 9

FAEST (nmol/g/min)

19 ± 20

10 ± 11

35 ± 28

24 ± 23

FAUT (nmol/g/min)

110 ± 89

155 ± 43

149 ± 55

122 ± 40

HR (bpm)

57 ± 7

72 ± 10†

60 ± 14

62 ± 10

SBP (mm/Hg)

116 ± 12

134 ± 1†

125 ± 20

127 ± 14

DBP (mm/Hg)

63 ± 10

73 ± 9

73 ± 11

74 ± 9

RPP (arbitrary units)

6269 ± 1737

9684 ± 1864‡

7488 ± 1775

7896 ± 1666†

LVM MM (g)

185 ± 29

230 ± 42§

185 ± 40

189 ± 41

EDV (mL)

125 ± 23

129 ± 18

101 ± 25

110 ± 24

ESV (mL)

52 ± 12

53 ± 13

39 ± 10

44 ± 13

EF (%)

58 ± 4

59 ± 6

61 ± 5

60 ± 8

LVET (ms)

319 ± 25

272 ± 17‡

313 ± 37

297 ± 29

Sm (cm/s)

8 ± 1

8 ± 2

8 ± 1

8 ± 1

E wave (cm/s)

74 ± 15

59 ± 21

71 ± 14

66 ± 16

E/A ratio

2.1 ± 0.6

1.5 ± 0.5

1.7 ± 0.6

1.4 ± 0.5

Em (cm/s)

17.2 ± 1.9

12.1 ± 2.4§

13.9 ± 1.7

12.8 ± 2.0†

DT (ms)

178 ± 29

197 ± 21

198 ± 35

202 ± 48

IVRT (ms)

80 ± 13

74 ± 8

79 ± 8

80 ± 7

  1. Data expressed as mean ± SD. MVO2: myocardial oxygen consumption, MBF: myocardial blood flow, GLUT: myocardial glucose utilization, EFTotal: myocardial fatty acid extraction fraction total, FAOX: fatty acid oxidation, FAEST: fatty acid esterification, FAUT: fatty acid utilization, LVM = left ventricular mass, LVMI: left ventricular mass index, EDV: end diastolic volume, ESV: end systolic volume, EF: ejection fraction, LVET: left ventricular ejection time, Em: average myocardial relaxation velocity during early diastole measured at the lateral wall and septal bases, DT: deceleration time, and IVRT: isovolumic contraction time. *: p < 0.05 vs. HIV-/MC- and HIV-/MC+, †: p < 0.05 vs. HIV-/MC-, ‡: p < 0.05 vs. remaining groups, §: p < 0.05 vs. HIV-/MC- and HIV+/MC-, ¶: p < 0.05 vs. HIV+/MC-.