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Table 3 Combined association of TyG index variability and cumulative TyG index with the incidence of CKD

From: Association of long-term triglyceride-glucose index patterns with the incidence of chronic kidney disease among non-diabetic population: evidence from a functional community cohort


Low cumulative TyG index

HR (95% CI)

High cumulative TyG index

HR (95% CI)

RERI (95% CI)

AP (95% CI)

Low TyG index variability


1.574 (1.233, 2.010)

0.42 (0.23, 0.60)

0.20 (0.11, 0.29)

High TyG index variability

1.463 (1.162, 1.843)

2.298 (1.820, 2.903)

  1. CKD: chronic kidney disease, TyG index: triglyceride glucose index, RERI: relative excess risk due to interaction; AP: the attributable proportion due to interaction