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Fig. 3 | Cardiovascular Diabetology

Fig. 3

From: Effects of exenatide on coronary stent’s endothelialization in subjects with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. The Rebuild study

Fig. 3

Definitions of OCT derived endpoints. In the schematic images struts are represented as boxes with metallic gradient filling. NI is represented as delimited translucid green areas. Panel 1: Stent strut coverage. A well-apposed stent covered by a thin NI layer. Struts a and b are considered covered by NI while struts c, d and e are classified as un-covered. Panel 2: Coverage thickness. Detail of 3 struts with different NI coverage thickness. NI coverage is measured as 100 µm for strut f, 60 µm for strut g and only 30 µm for strut h. Strut h would be considered covered for the primary endpoint but uncovered for the > 40 µm coverage thickness (secondary endpoint). Panel 3: Significant malapposition. An area of stent malapposition is seen from 11 to 2 o’clock. The abluminal side of strut i is separated 440 µm from the vessel wall and classified as significantly malapposed. Strut j is separated 260 µm from vessel wall which classifies for non-significantly malapposed. Panel 4: NI thickness. NI thickness measures 270 µm from the luminal side of the strut to the luminal border. Panel 5: Stent area. Seeable struts delimit stent area displayed as a light blue line. Panel 6: NI hyperplasia stenosis is calculated as NI volume (NI area multiplied by frame thickness) divided by stent volume (stent area multiplied by frame thickness) multiplied by 100. OCT Optical coherence tomography, NI Neo-intima

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