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Table 2 Overview of clinical studies showing differentially expressed circulating miRs in diabetic patients

From: Cardiovascular microRNAs: as modulators and diagnostic biomarkers of diabetic heart disease


Type of patients

Study cohort

Source of miR isolation

Most differentially expressed miRs

Method of analysis

Major findings




822 individuals from Bruneck study


Downregulation of miR-20b, -21, -24, -15a, -126, -191, -197, -223, -320, -486; Upregulation of miR-28-3p

MiR microarray profiling; qPCR

First study to identify differential miR signature in T2DM patients.


Plasma levels of some miRs changed before the manifestation of diabetes, suggesting miRs as early predictive tool in diabetes and vascular disease



56 subjects: 18 cases of newly diagnosed T2DM patients (n-T2DM); 19 cases of pre-diabetics and 19 cases of T2DM-susceptible individuals with normal glucose tolerance (s-NGT)


Upregulation of miR-9, -29a, -30d, -34a, -124a, -146a and −375 in n-T2DM.


Significant change in expression of diabetes-related miRs in n-T2DM whiles no dramatic change in pre-diabetics and s-NGT.


miR-34a most significantly changed in all the 3 study groups.


T2DM and obese

13 patients with T2DM; 16 obese patients (OB) with T2DM; 20 obese patients (OB-T2DM) and 20 healthy volunteers.


miR-15b, -138, -376a and −503

Pre-screening with pre-aliquoted miR PCR panels and validation of selected miRs by qPCR

First study to identify differential miR signature in T2DM patients, OB, OB-T2DM and healthy subjects.


Biomarker potential of miR-15b, miR-138 and miR-376a to differentiate OB from OB-T2DM and T2DM.

Biomarker potential of miR-138 and miR-503 to differentiate T2DM from OB-T2DM.


T2DM, Individuals with or without metabolic syndrome

265 individuals: n = 50 with metabolic syndrome; n = 50 with T2DM; n = 89 with hypercholesterolemia; n = 30 with hypertension and n = 46 healthy controls


miR-23a, -27a, -103, --132, -150, -192, -195, -197, -320a, -375, and −509-5p

MiR microarray profiling; qPCR of selected miRs

Correlation between aberrant miR expression and risk factors in diabetes and its vascular complications.



T2DM with or without vascular complications

36 individuals: 12 T2DM patients without any chronic complications; 12 T2DM patients with macrovascular and 12 T2DM patients with microvascular complications.


52 miRs in T2DM with macrovascular and 68 miRs in T2DM with microvascular complications

MiR microarray profiling; qPCR of selected miRs

Upregulation of miR-31a in T2Dm with microvascular complications




Hvidoere (275 T1DM patients), Danish (129 T1DM patients) and Copenhagen Puberty (151 T1DM patients) Cohorts


Upregulation of miR-24, -25, 26a, -27a/b, -29a, -30a-5p, -148a, -152, -181, -200a and −210

MiR microarray profiling; qPCR

miR-25 negatively associated with beta-cell function and positively associated with glycaemic control
