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Table 1 Population characteristics of chronic kidney disease study participants

From: Plasma concentrations of extracellular matrix protein fibulin-1 are related to cardiovascular risk markers in chronic kidney disease and diabetes



Age, years

62.5 (51 – 73)

Sex, men, n (%)

25 (78)

Body mass index, kg/m2

24.8 (21.7 – 28.1)

Smoking, n (%)

18 (56)

Underlying kidney disease, n (%)

 Diabetic nephropathy

2 (6)


9 (28)


4 (13)


17 (53)

Disease prevalence, n (%)


11 (34)


25 (78)

 Peripheral artery disease

2 (6)

 Coronary artery disease

9 (28)


5 (16)

eGFR, mL/min/1.73 m2, *

39.9 (23.3 – 58.3)


1.1 (0.9 – 1.4)

Medication, n (%)

 Phosphate binder

16 (50)

 Erythropoietin analog

15 (47)

 Platelet aggregation inhibitor

8 (25)


7 (22)

 ACE inhibitor/AT receptor antagonist

14 (44)

 Calcium antagonist

15 (47)


12 (38)

  1. Values are medians (25% - 75% percentile) or numbers (percentages), n = 32.
  2. Abbreviations: ACE angiotensin converting enzyme, AT angiotensin, eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate, Kt/V = dialysis dose.
  3. * n = 16, eGFR determination only in patients without hemodialysis therapy.
  4. n = 8.