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Table 3 CCC values for the developed equation* and published equations

From: Estimation of plasma apolipoprotein B concentration using routinely measured lipid biochemical tests in apparently healthy Asian adults



[95% CI]

Equation1: ApoB100 = −33.12 + 0.675*LDLc + 11.95*ln(tg)


[0.93    0.94]

Equation 2: ApoB100 = 20.67944 + 0.551614*non HDLc, where non HDLc = total C-HDLc


[0.91    0.91]

Equation 3: ApoB100 = 6.3 + 0.65*non HDLc, where non HDLc = total C-HDLc


[0.93    0.94]

  1. Equation2: ApoB100 = 20.67944 + 0.551614*non HDLc, where non HDLc = total C-HDLc.
  2. Equation 2 from Krishnaji Kulkarni (29).
  3. Equation3: ApoB = 6.3 + 0.65*non HDLc, where non HDLc = total C-HDLc.
  4. Equation 3 from Hermans et al(20).