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Table 2 Baseline characteristics of the study population stratified by the presence of metabolic syndrome (JIS): Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study (1999–2018)

From: The clinical value of metabolic syndrome and its components with respect to sudden cardiac death using different definitions: Two decades of follow-up from the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study






Number of participants





Continuous variables, Mean ± SD

 Age (year)

53.63 ± 9.94

52.31 ± 10.12

54.92 ± 9.60

 < 0.01

 BMI (kg/m2)

27.88 ± 4.60

26.01 ± 4.10

29.68 ± 4.33

 < 0.01

 WC (cm)

92.71 ± 11.22

87.08 ± 9.60

98.16 ± 9.91

 < 0.01


0.91 ± 0.08

0.88 ± 0.08

0.94 ± 0.08

 < 0.01

 SBP (mmHg)

126.11 ± 20.90

117.70 ± 17.56

134.26 ± 20.64

 < 0.01

 DBP (mmHg)

80.10 ± 11.43

75.48 ± 10.02

84.56 ± 10.93

 < 0.01

 RHR (beat/min)

78.34 ± 11.44

77.20 ± 11.14

79.45 ± 11.61

 < 0.01

 FPG (mg/dl)

105.18 ± 39.38

92.95 ± 22.98

117.02 ± 47.50

 < 0.01

 HDL-C (mg/dl)

41.67 ± 10.95

44.64 ± 11.64

38.80 ± 9.38

 < 0.01

 TG (mg/dl)

165 (115–233)*

122 (91–161)*

210 (165–280)*

 < 0.01

Categorical variables, number (%)


2294 (45.17)

1249 (50)

1045 (40.49)

 < 0.01

 Current smoking, yes

803 (15.81)

481 (19.26)

322 (12.48)

 < 0.01

 Family History of premature CVD, yes

932 (18.35)

418 (16.73)

514 (19.91)

 < 0.01

 Glucose-lowering drug use, yes

335 (6.60)

55 (2.20)

280 (10.85)

 < 0.01

 Antihypertensive drug use, yes

569 (11.20)

98 (3.92)

471 (18.25)

 < 0.01

 Lipid-lowering drug use, yes

252 (4.96)

24 (0.96)

228 (8.83)

 < 0.01

  1. SD standard deviation, BMI body mass index, WC waist circumference, WHR waist to hip ratio, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, RHR resting heart rate, FPG fasting plasma glucose, HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, CVD cardiovascular disease
  2. *Data presented as median (IQR)