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Table 2 Proportions of patients with HbA1c above 7 and 7.5% consistently during 1 year and 2 years post diagnosis of diabetes by categories of time to intensified treatment, and the median (IQR) months to treatment intensifications from diagnosis of diabetes for various classifications of Hba1c trajectory

From: Delay in treatment intensification increases the risks of cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes


n (%) by time to intensified treatment categories

Time to intensification median (IQR), months

<6 months

<1 year

<2 years

Time to IT

Time to 2 OADs

Time to 3 ADDs

HbA1c ≥7% (≥53 mmol/mol)

 Consistently during 1 year

5,768 (27)

8,776 (40)

14,101 (65)

16 (5, 32)

17 (6, 32)

37 (20, 60)

 Consistently during 2 years

4,696 (28)

6,864 (40)

10,904 (64)

17 (5, 31)

17 (6, 32)

36 (20, 58)

HbA1c ≥7.5% (≥58 mmol/mol)

 Consistently during 1 year

3,783 (29)

5,869 (46)

9,284 (72)

14 (5, 26)

14 (5, 27)

33 (18, 54)

 Consistently during 2 years

2,774 (32)

3,999 (46)

6,171 (70)

14 (4, 27)

15 (5, 28)

31 (18, 52)