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Table 1 Characteristics of ZL (+/+) and ZDF (fa/fa) rats at 14 weeks of age

From: Diabetic cardiomyopathy in Zucker diabetic fatty rats: the forgotten right ventricle




Body weight at killing [g]

335 ± 4

355 ± 8*

Non-fasting blood glucose [mmol·L-1]

5.0 ± 0.1

20.9 ± 0.8*

Fasting insulin [pmol·L-1]

116.9 ± 11.9

330.7 ± 69.6*

Fasting triglycerides [mmol·L-1]

0.36 ± 0.02

1.41 ± 0.20*

Fasting fatty acids [mmol·L-1]

0.16 ± 0.03

0.38 ± 0.08*

M-value [mg·kg·min-1]

22.4 ± 1.0

8.9 ± 0.8*

  1. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM, n = 8, * p < 0.05 vs. ZL
  2. ZL, Zucker lean; ZDF, Zucker diabetic fatty