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Table 2 Measures of quality of reporting

From: Lay media reporting of rosiglitazone risk: extent, messaging and quality of reporting

Quality Indicator

Present n/N (%)

Reporting of Risk


Cardiovascular risk clearly reported?

87/95 (91.6)

Reported risk quantified?

51/87 (58.6)

Nature of risk (absolute vs. relative) clearly stated?

2/51 (4.2)*

Duality of Interest


Was an expert consulted?

13/95 (13.7)

If an expert was used, was there disclosure of potential conflict of interest?

0/13 (0)

Citation of Sources


Was the review by Nissen et al. cited?

70/95 (73.7)

Could the Nissen review be found based on information provided in the news report?

61/70 (87.1%)

Were additional information resources provided to readers?

12/95 (12.6)

Use of trade vs. generic drug names


Were both generic and trade names used in the report?

95/95 (100)

Was reference made to the class of medication (TZD)?

29/95 (30.5)

  1. * All articles that did not specify the nature of risk reported, reported the cardiovascular risk in relative terms.