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Figure 3 | Cardiovascular Diabetology

Figure 3

From: Cardiac dysfunction in the diabetic rat: quantitative evaluation using high resolution magnetic resonance imaging

Figure 3

Cardiac cycle left ventricular (LV) dV/dt values for control and diabetic rats First derivatives of LV volume with respect to time for control (open bars) and diabetic (filled bars) rats obtained from slopes of secant lines connecting the subsequent phases of cardiac cycle are presented. The x-axis labels refer to phase transitions during the cardiac cycle (for example, '1' corresponds to phase 1–2 transition). The negative dV/dt values correspond to systole and positive values correspond to diastole. The dV/dt values corresponding to all transitions except 6–7 (the end-systolic phase transition) were significantly different between control and diabetic rats (*, P < 0.05).

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