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Table 4 Multiple logistic regression analysis showing odds ratio for the risk of heart failure in patients with coronary artery disease

From: Association between serum adipocyte fatty-acid binding protein concentrations, left ventricular function and myocardial perfusion abnormalities in patients with coronary artery disease


A-FABP (per 10 ng/mL increase)


95% CI

P value

Model 1

Adjusting for age and sex


1.25 – 1.99

< 0.001

Model 2

Adjusting for age, sex, BMI, smoking, hypertension, fasting glucose, LDL-C, creatinine and hsCRP


1.31 – 3.14


Model 3

Adjusting for age, sex, BMI, smoking, hypertension, fasting glucose, LDL-C, creatinine, hsCRP, adiponectin, SSS, SRS, ACEi/ARBs, diuretics and statins use


1.23 – 5.94


  1. ACEi/ARBs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor / angiotensin II receptor blockers; BMI, body mass index; hsCRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; SRS, summed rest score; SSS, summed stress score.